Asthma/Allergy & Sinus Relief Essential Oil blend 15ml

Asthma/Allergy & Sinus Relief Essential Oil blend 15ml

Asthma/ Allergy & Sinus Relief: will aid as a decongestant to open airways within nostrils and lungs. This Essential oil blend acts as a natural pathogen fighter and cleansing the air.

Ingredients: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Frankincense, Lavender.

Purposes: Targets congested airways, allergy symptoms, sinuses, air cleanser.

How to use: Add 5 to 10 drops of this blend of Essential oils to warm water, in a hot water pot, or a steam inhaler. Gently lean over and breathe the steam. This will expand constricted airways, relaxing lung spasms; you can also rub it on your chest and inhale if you desire.


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